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Plane Talking UK's Podcast

Carlos, Nev, Armando and Matt bring you a weekly Podcast that will focus on the Commercial and Military Aviation news relating to us long suffering members of the general public.

May 28, 2023

Join Matt, Carlos, Nev and Armando for this week's episode!

In this week's show we look at the demise of Virgin Orbit, we pay another visit to the Museum of Flight at East Fortune and in the military Armando discusses the EF16 Hornet that crashed in Spain but the pilot was fortunate enough to be able to eject...

May 21, 2023

Join Matt, Armando and the legend that is Captain Jeff for this week's episode!

In this week's show we look at a pilot's frankly astounding save at an airshow in Reo Negro, everyone's favourite low cost airline dust off the cheque book with a HUUUGE order and a propeller strap penetrates the cabin of a Link Airways Saab...

May 11, 2023

Join Carlos, Nev, Matt and Armando for this week's episode.

You can get in touch with us all at : 
WhatsApp +44 757 22 491 66
or comment in our chatroom on YouTube.